Category: learning
More Reading, Then Writing
Shall I do “a year of draft writing”? The post More Reading, Then Writing appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Learning Expands Our Senses
How can we keep the curiosity active? Playing a musical instrument for the first time can be an exhilarating experience. Discovering the capability of producing the notes of those songs that we love is an… The post Learning Expands Our Senses appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
The Knowledge Creations Process
Can we brand a thinking process? Think about a toy brick, a 2-by-4 piece. It’s standard, created with high precision to respects specific dimensions, shapes and feature. Now think about what you can do with… The post The Knowledge Creations Process appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Learning Goals Depend on Our Roles in Life
We should accept ambiguity and multiplicity in defining our identity and our roles. They are fluid and in continuous mutation. The post Learning Goals Depend on Our Roles in Life appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Checklists to Pursue Learning Goals
These are checklists to make my learning workflow tangible. The post Checklists to Pursue Learning Goals appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Note-Taking is Personal
The value of personal notes is limited unless you are annotating for specific public. The post Note-Taking is Personal appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
The Power of Rereading
My greatest challenge is exactly this, going through the boredom of rereading a piece of text while looking for new insights The post The Power of Rereading appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Finding Questions While Reading
Learning principles and concepts based on experience and rationality while finding new and useful connections. The post Finding Questions While Reading appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
The Value of Experience
The experience I made in a technical field came useful today when I had to explain to a peer how to face a certain context. I realized I had a clear vision about the problem,… The post The Value of Experience appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
The Infinite Journeys of Knowledge
Until we won’t find a way to implant knowledge, we need to start from scratch for every human being. While this opens to evolution and progress it has also an enormous cost and a great… The post The Infinite Journeys of Knowledge appeared first on Massimo Curatella.