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Ci sto lavorando. Un po’ di pazienza, per favore.
I miei ultimi articoli (In IngLese)
- Convergence of Ideas
From scattered thoughts to an active archive, I’m transforming ideas into meaningful creations. What future am I inventing?
The post Convergence of Ideas appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Creative Growth Reflections
Delving into creativity’s journey, emphasizing growth from setbacks and the transformative power of embracing challenges in the creative process
The post Creative Growth Reflections appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- From Toys to Systems
Exploring the journey from childhood curiosity dismantling toys to embracing Systems Thinking and Design Thinking in professional growth.
The post From Toys to Systems appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- From Idea to Lightning
Exploring creativity’s journey, from gathering ideas like charging air particles to the thunderous impact of realization, akin to lightning strikes.
The post From Idea to Lightning appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Navigating Creative Seas: The Top-Down and Bottom-Up Voyage in Writing
Exploring creative writing approaches: structured, purposeful Top-Down method versus spontaneous, organic Bottom-Up journey.
The post Navigating Creative Seas: The Top-Down and Bottom-Up Voyage in Writing appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Charting the Course Through My Personal Knowledge Base
Exploring the organization of a PKB: the challenge of capturing diverse information and synthesizing it into coherent knowledge.
The post Charting the Course Through My Personal Knowledge Base appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Exploring Personal Knowledge Management: A Process of Growth and Connection
An habitual creativity challenge to refine the process to observe, understand, learn and apply knowledge.
The post Exploring Personal Knowledge Management: A Process of Growth and Connection appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- The Joy of Hosting Conversations in a Creative Sprint
CREAZEE Sprint 6 on Co-Design, Networked Thinking, and Visual Facilitation. With Massimo Curatella and Quinten Lockefeer
The post The Joy of Hosting Conversations in a Creative Sprint appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Social Innovation through Strategic Foresight, a conversation
Futurology and Strategic Foresight in the Healthcare System. A conversation with Giorgia Zunino about Futures Thinking and Social Impact.
The post Social Innovation through Strategic Foresight, a conversation appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Building confidence with deliberate practice, a CREAZEE Sprint with David Orban
With David Orban about polymathy, learning, failure, mistakes, zooming in-out, joy of living, building confidence, climate crisis, creativity and surprise.
The post Building confidence with deliberate practice, a CREAZEE Sprint with David Orban appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Idea Curation, Visual Note-Taking, Conversational Explorations
Content curation, visualizing conversations in real-time (as in this case), collaboration, PKM and the role of AI in learning. A new video.
The post Idea Curation, Visual Note-Taking, Conversational Explorations appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Human-Centred Design and Decision-Making Process Facilitation
Making decisions in large no-profit organizations benefits from structured facilitation. An interview with Antonella Pastore, designer, facilitator.
The post Human-Centred Design and Decision-Making Process Facilitation appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Launching CREAZEE Sprint
In an informal conversation with a good friend, I explored creativity, songwriting, filmmaking, and how music can help people to be more hopeful.
The post Launching CREAZEE Sprint appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- ChatGPT for Creativity and Creation, Hands-On Review
I used several Artificial Intelligenecs write about how I recreated an Habitual Creativity Course and tested it.
The post ChatGPT for Creativity and Creation, Hands-On Review appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Exchange between Massimo Curatella (bold) and ChatGPT. I was curious about developing my idea for a daily writing habit challenge course that I started in 2021.
The post ChatGPT is CREAZEE appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- You Can’t Always Invent
If we have a system to capture ideas when and where they come to our attention we prepare the building blocks for our next piece.
The post You Can’t Always Invent appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Why is it interesting?
Hoarding information is different from building up knowledge. When we fall prey to information overload, we suffer from the failure of our attention filter.
The post Why is it interesting? appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- Conjuring Creativity
We become more creative with addition and subtraction: by removing distractions and waste and adding stimuli in time and space.
The post Conjuring Creativity appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- One Year Blogging Challenge Complete
I wrote and published 365 blog posts, meaning, I’ve been writing for one year, every day.
The post One Year Blogging Challenge Complete appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
- New Beginnings?
The day before completing my 365 daily post writing challenge, I am thinking about my next habit-forming strategy.
The post New Beginnings? appeared first on Massimo Curatella.