Category: design
How to receive brutally honest feedback
And only at the end try to give context, application, and audience. The post How to receive brutally honest feedback appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
How to decide if to rebuild or adapt a new system
In very complicated systems, if you discover that the update is more convenient than the rebuild you might save a lot of time and resources. The post How to decide if to rebuild or adapt a new system appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
How to prepare and run a software demo: prompts
Presenting a piece of software is a [[presentation]] so anything applicable to the art and craft of presenting can be applied to software as well. The post How to prepare and run a software demo: prompts appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Knowing the Pieces Before the Assembly
functions and their potential for connection, it could be inefficient or, worst, harmful. The post Knowing the Pieces Before the Assembly appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Coherence in Data-Gathering
Without knowing the rules at the source of that data you can increase its quality by applying the deduction you can make. The post Coherence in Data-Gathering appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Notes on Hierarchy
Hierarchy is a way to organize information in a tree shape. Higher level of depth provide higher detail. A hierarchy requires a design approach. The post Notes on Hierarchy appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Beauty is in How it Works
a beautifully designed object is something that works well, for the purpose it has been created for. The post Beauty is in How it Works appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Showing The Design Process vs The Final Product
Present the final product to persuade and impress. Show the design process to build trust and add depth. The post Showing The Design Process vs The Final Product appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Co-Designing Solutions with Developers
Developers, the product builders must be always part of the ongoing product design activity. Otherwise co-design with them after initial specs are done. The post Co-Designing Solutions with Developers appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Design and Business Consultancy
partial list of the topics I’ve touched while doing a design consultancy. The post What We Talk About When We Talk About Design and Business Consultancy appeared first on Massimo Curatella.