Category: collective intelligence
Reflections on Habitual Group Creativity
I’ve created CREAZEE to find external incentives in maintaining my daily writing habit. How can I improve it? The post Reflections on Habitual Group Creativity appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Knowledge Entrepreneurs: Brain Trust Day 1
Experts in diverse fields convene to provide structured feedback to each participant’s challenge in a reciprocal way. The post Knowledge Entrepreneurs: Brain Trust Day 1 appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Knowledge Entrepreneurs Salon 11: Start With Community
I’ve found the best place in the world. It’s called The Internet. The post Knowledge Entrepreneurs Salon 11: Start With Community appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Meeting strangers like they were good old friends
I like meeting strangers online, especially when they are eclectic, diverse, and sometimes clueless as I am. The post Meeting strangers like they were good old friends appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Preparing for the Podcast “Making Complexity Simple”
How I leveraged on the Collective Intelligence to know better how much I don’t know, in preparation for a podcast interview. The post Preparing for the Podcast “Making Complexity Simple” appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Facilitating Complexity Thinking
How to facilitate group processes in solving simple, complicated, and complex Problems. Methods applied in the 1st Workshop of OsservAgro. The post Facilitating Complexity Thinking appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Workshop Design methods, Discovery and Ideation
How I used facilitation tools and techniques to organize and deliver a series of workshops for the Observatory on the Dialogue in the Agrifood System (OsservAgro). The post Workshop Design methods, Discovery and Ideation appeared first on Massimo Curat…
Facilitating Collective Intelligence for the Sustainability of Agri-food
My experience as a facilitator of five workshops, for the Dialogue in the Agri-food System Observatory (Osservagro) The post Facilitating Collective Intelligence for the Sustainability of Agri-food appeared first on Massimo Curatella.
Strategic Design for Collective Intelligence
A Strategic Designer Collective facilitates Collective Intelligence for leaders and decision-makers to be more than the sum of their parts. The post Strategic Design for Collective Intelligence appeared first on Massimo Curatella.